Goodyear Invisalign

Invisalign Goodyear AZ

Is your smile less than perfect? You’re in good company. Every year in the U.S., thousands of people visit their orthodontist to straighten crooked teeth and correct alignment and spacing problems. While traditional metal and ceramic braces are still popular options, today many patients are opting for Invisalign® clear aligners to help their smiles look their best. If you’ve been wondering if Goodyear Invisalign can help you get the smile of your dreams, here’s what you should know.

Actual patient of the Goodyear Invisalign orthodontist

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How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign uses a special plastic called SmartTrackTM, a patented material that took many years to perfect. The material is completely clear, which is why some people refer to Invisalign Goodyear AZ as “invisible braces.” Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth, so they’re really comfortable — and really effective at correcting alignment and spacing issues.

You wear your aligners for 20-22 hours each day — even while you sleep — taking them out only to eat meals and brush and floss. Over time, each set of aligners moves your teeth into their proper positions using steady but gentle pressure. Most patients can complete their treatments in under 18 to 24 months, and some treatments take a year or less.

Benefits of Invisalign

You might think Invisalign’s clear design is its only benefit, but it’s really only one of several. With Invisalign, you can:

  • Eat any foods you like: Since you remove your aligners for meals and snacks, you won’t have to worry about avoiding chewy or hard foods that could damage other types of braces in Goodyear.
  • Care for then with simple rinsing and brushing: Just a gentle brushing with a soft brush when you brush and floss your own teeth is all it takes to keep your aligners clean and fresh.
  • Care for your teeth like you normally do: Taking your aligners out when you brush means it’s easy to brush and floss your teeth without worrying about brackets and wires.
  • Stop feeling self-conscious at social events and other occasions, thanks to the snug fit and clear design.
  • Get truly customized treatment that helps decrease treatment time compared to traditional braces.
  • Visit us less often — typically once every six or eight weeks for checkups.
  • Enjoy greater comfort, thanks to the smooth design — with no wires or brackets to irritate your lips and gums.

With so much to offer, it’s easy to see why Invisalign Teen Goodyear AZ has become so popular among teens , too.

Actual patient of the Invisalign Goodyear AZ orthodontist

What happens during Goodyear Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign treatment starts with a consultation and an evaluation of your teeth, gums and jaw mechanics. Next, the orthodontist will take images and detailed measurements of your teeth. The data is sent to a dental lab that specializes in Invisalign aligner fabrication. Special computer software analyzes your unique data and creates a series of 3D models showing how your teeth will need to move over time. Those models are used to create your series of aligners using Invisalign’s patented SmartTrack material.

During your treatment, you’ll wear each set of aligners for about two weeks. Then you’ll swap them out for the next set of aligners. Each set incorporates subtle differences that keep your teeth gently moving into their ideal positions. At each office visit, our team will review your progress and make any necessary adjustments. Unlike traditional braces, there are no uncomfortable “tightenings” to worry about. Your aligners will move your teeth using gentle pressure over time for faster results with less discomfort. What kinds of problems can Invisalign Goodyear AZ correct?

Today’s Invisalign clear aligners can be used to correct an array of spacing and alignment issues, including:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Open bites
  • Crowding
  • Gaps between teeth and other spacing problems
  • Crooked teeth

In addition to improving the way your smile looks, Invisalign treatment may also improve your oral health. How? Teeth that are crooked or unevenly spaced can make it more difficult to brush and floss properly. Plus, they often form tiny nooks and crannies where plaque and tartar can build up. When your teeth are straight and properly aligned, it’s easier to brush and floss — and that means it’s easier to get rid of plaque and tartar, the major causes of gum disease. It’s also easier to remove food particles that can cause cavities. Having your teeth properly aligned can also decrease your risk for jaw problems, like temporomandibular joint disorder, along with uneven tooth wear that leads to breakage and decay.

Goodyear Orthodontist for Invisalign

While clear aligner systems might be more convenient than traditional braces, routine office visits and evaluations by a dentist or orthodontist help to keep your treatment on track (and, of course, to keep your teeth and gums healthy). With Goodyear Invisalign, you don’t need to see us as frequently as you would with regular braces; but you still need to come in routinely to ensure your treatment is progressing — and to have any needed adjustments made to ensure you get the best results.

Orthodontic treatment is an investment in a lifetime of beautiful smiles. Choosing Invisalign is a wise decision that can have a major impact on your results and even on your long-term oral health.

Your perfect smile is waiting: Invisalign treatment in Goodyear, AZ

Your smile is a defining feature of your appearance, and when your smile doesn’t look its best, it can make you feel less confident, less attractive and really self-conscious. As a leading orthodontist practice in Goodyear, Arizona, our team helps every patient get the customized, individualized care they need to improve their smiles and their self-confidence. To find out more about Invisalign and how it can help you look and feel your best, call our office at 602-864-0004 and schedule a consultation today.