When it comes to teeth straightening, Invisalign has become a household name. However, there are other clear aligner options on the market, such as Clarity aligners. People often ask are Clarity aligners the same as Invisalign? We’ll explore the differences between Clarity aligners and Invisalign and help you determine which option may be best for you.

What are Clarity Aligners?

Clarity aligners are a clear aligner system by 3M. Like Invisalign, they straighten teeth without the need for metal braces. Clarity aligners are made of a clear plastic material that is custom-fit to your teeth. They are removable and are worn for 22 hours per day, with the exception of eating and drinking.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear aligner system that has been on the market since 1997. It is one of the most well-known clear aligner brands. Invisalign aligners are also made of a clear plastic material. Like Clarity aligners, Invisalign aligners are removable and must be worn for at least 22 hours per day.

Differences Between Clarity Aligners and Invisalign

While Clarity aligners and Invisalign both offer clear aligner treatment, there are some differences between the two systems. Here are a few key differences:

Material: Clarity aligners offer two plastic materials with different properties, while other aligners are made of a single plastic material.

Treatment Options: Clarity aligners work for mild, moderate and severe cases of tooth misalignment. Invisalign can also treat a wide range of cases, including severe misalignment.

Comfort: People really like the feel and comfort of Clarity aligners.

Esthetics: Patients prefer the cosmetics of Clarity aligners.

Availability: Many doctors are discontinuing Invisalign usage and switching to more modern clear aligner options like Clarity aligners.

Actual patient of the Phoenix Invisalign orthodontist

Which Option is Best for You?

Choosing between Clarity aligners and Invisalign in Phoenix AZ will depend on the doctor you choose. Cutting edge orthodontists will probably use modern clear aligner options like Clarity aligners. Other doctors might still use Invisalign. In the end, you should find an orthodontist you trust and the brand they recommend.

Ultimately, the best way to determine which option is right for you is to consult with a Phoenix orthodontist at Dunn Orthodontics. They can evaluate your teeth and recommend the best treatment option for your specific needs.

While Clarity aligners and Invisalign are both excellent clear aligner systems, there are some differences between the two options. By understanding the key differences, you can make a smart decision about which option is best for you. If you’re considering Clarity Aligners in Phoenix, consult with a Phoenix orthodontist to determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

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